Tenacity ... a quality I seek!

Today, I have been working on a chapter of my upcoming book on worship.  In my writing, I have been taking a closer look at the word "tenacious."

When one is described as tenacious, what do you picture?   Images may come to mind such as a bulldog, a child determined to get what they want, a horse in a race, or perhaps even a story of a war hero or fireman on a rescue.  Many of you may remember an early forensic detective show called Quincy, starring Jack Klugman.  This morning, I  actually got caught up in an episode of it on a classic TV station here in Buffalo!  In that show his character was a prime example of tenacity, going above and beyond duty and even job boundaries to arrive at a 100% conclusion to each crime.  

Perhaps words like determination, grit, persistence, resolve, diligence, willfulness, and dedication may also come to mind.

Stubborness maybe ring-a-bell with ya? It sure does in my home! Phew!

My first-born strong-willed child at age 2!

She is 16 now and still has that "tenacious" look on her face!! 

Yes, you can pray for me!!!

Or maybe for the glass-half-full people out there, you immediately thought of the opposite qualities such as indifference, idleness, weakness, indecision, mediocrity, or even one who is paralyzed out of fear.  

Both sides of this coin are both true and valid.  And I think we could all agree that when it is focused on something worthy of reaching, tenacity is something we all should exemplify.

There is another dimension to this quality that I’d like to identify.  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines tenacious as, “persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.”   It goes on to describe it as, “not easily pulled apart; tending to adhere or cling especially to another substance.”  This describes one that is holding fast, retaining what is in their possession.  They don’t let go, give in or part with what they have gained.  Tenacious people are adhesive, they are described as clinging to another substance; sticky, gummy, attaching, even glutinous.

With this in mind, my mental picture of tenacity changes some.  It isn’t just one that is in “hot pursuit” of something they want, it is much deeper.  The tenacious one literally attaches themselves, as if glued to the object of their desire.  

Wow, so how does this tenacious quality relate to the worshiper?  Let’s look at the totality of these definitions and see how a worshiper is on path to becoming a portrait of tenacity.

A worshiper is one who determined to discover more and more of the Presence of God in their lives.  They are persistent to search out the mysteries, resolved to find the depths of truth; diligent to align their lives with the Holy, willful and dedicated to the purposes of God in every aspect of their heart.  Worshipers don’t give in to the human tendencies to be indifferent, idle, weak, indecisive; nor do they cave to mediocrity.  Fear does not control or limit them, for the Spirit of God indwells their very being and “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty!” 2 Corinthians 3:17

Furthermore, the worshiper has discovered the personal, intimate Presence of God as reality in their lives.  This is where the next portion of our definition kicks in!  The worshiper is persistent to adhere to the substance of His glory.  Once we have found ourselves in the very chambers of the King of Kings, we can’t bear the thought of living one moment without Him!  Our worship glues us to His tangible Presence, we come alive as we join ourselves with Him!

Wow!  What are you joined to today?  I pray you have the courage to sever any damaging and unhealthy ties, and strengthen your adherence to the Presence of God, with the "gorilla glue" of your worship!