Transcendence! It's time to rise!

Writing a giant book on worship gave me an incredible focus on qualities that are essential in the life of a believer who is an OVERCOMER!  Taking your worship to another dimension, as it becomes a lifestyle and not just a song or act, opens up your world to a life that is incredible. 

The Spirit filling the life of the worshiper, places them in a supernatural position.  An infusion of the Holy Spirit has now consumed their very being.  Within the worshiper is a new source of life, a new substance of life, a moving source of unstoppable power, and the ultimate transforming passions of the all-consuming fire.  Life, as we once had known it, has been overtaken by the divine.  

While this is the eternal reality that dwells within us, our external life faces a continuous battle that runs contrary to this reality.  While some resign to living a sub-standard life, forfeiting the demonstration of this eternal reality, many have discovered the power of transcendence: the ability to transcend our earthly reality, and see the eternal redefine it!

Transcend (from is to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; to outdo or exceed in excellence, elevation, extent, degree, etc.; surpass, excel; Theology. (of the Deity) to be above and independent of (the universe, time, etc.). 

Wow!  Now just hold on to that for a second ...

Whether we realize it or not, our lives contain three different dimensions.  Just as God is triune as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are triune as body, soul, spirit.   Daily we face the realities of physical battles, cravings of the flesh, pain, suffering, sorrows, and even the beauties of happiness, relationships, successes, and triumphs.  These are faced in the realms of both our body (our flesh) and our soul (mind, will and emotions).  

Professionals would all probably agree that our greatest battles are fought in the area of the soul: the processes of our thinking, the depths of our emotions, and the determinations of our will.   They may present that if we can win the battles in this realm, we will live an overcoming life.  But, they have missed something … the third dimension.

I would like to present to you today something even deeper, that perhaps our greatest battles are not won in the soul realm, but in the spirit realm.   As Ephesians 6:12 in the Amplified Bible states, “For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.”  This is where the true battle is found.

Worship that flows from the dimension of the indwelling Holy Spirit, enforces the victory we ALREADY have in Christ to all the principalities and powers of the air.  Once we have the victory in that realm, it begins to redefine the other two dimensions of our lives.  In our Soul realm, our mind is renewed by the power of the Spirit, our emotions are transformed, 

healed and placed under subjection to the Holy Spirit, and our will is re-defined by the thoughts and intentions of the Spirit.  This second level of victory just oozes into the final dimension of our lives causing victory over every desire and ambition of our flesh!  

You have transcended!

Could you open up your heart to a new dimension of worship today?

 Think of it not as a song, but as a lifestyle of communion with the Divine ... even today, you can rise above, go beyond, exceed the limits of thought or circumstance; you can outdo, elevate, surpass and excel beyond any natural limitations, even to the point that your new life is operating so out of the divine, that you are now independent of the laws of earthly forces that would seek to bind you to a life of death and defeat!