Our Mission


We live to bring the Glory of God into the lives of people through worship, the ministry of the Word, and the dimensions of the supernatural that will transform a generation and birth revival.



2018 marked my 22nd year as Worship Pastor of The Tabernacle in Orchard Park, NY.  This church is my home and my heart.  Growing up here as the daughter of its founding Bishop, Tommy Reid, while traveling with my parents all over the world, I realize I could not be more privileged and honored to worship with this incredible group of people each and every Sunday.  I have been fully committed to securing my father’s apostolic legacy in this house and around the world.  As a church body, we have walked though the passing of his mantle of leadership to Bishop Robert Stearns, my dear spiritual brother, whom I will continue to serve as we lead the Tabernacle as a forerunner house in this generation.  

While this portion of my dad’s mantle is secured, I realize there is a portion that rests on myself and my family to carry.  This mantle is one of signs, wonders, miracles, and a revelatory voice to nations.  

On this 20th anniversary of my official leadership at the Tabernacle, we know as a family that it is a “NOW season” to step forward and pursue this furtherance of our ministry.  The seeds of covenant connections have been laid for my entire life, and now we see that it is time to grow a new dimension of fruit in our lives!

This year, several ministry initiatives have been launched under our leadership. The first of which is United Women Rise which has brought together kingdom women leaders in every sphere of culture that are joining forces to see deep transformation in the Buffalo Niagara Region and beyond. We are working together in hundreds of established ministries and programs to see “Women Rise” from any social-economic condition into the influential leaders we are all called to be.

I am also helping to head a women’s leadership trip to Israel in 2020. We will be gathering together to lock hearts, intercede for revival and draw from the wells of our spiritual roots in the holy land. This among many other traveling ministry opportunities are compounding upon us in the coming days.

Going back into my childhood, ministry and missions has been ingrained into my DNA.  My life was particularly wrecked in the Philippines as a teenager, where I saw countless miracles, fell in love with people, and had the call of God written on my heart.  Fast forward to a few years ago, God intervened in my crazy ministry world and turned my heart upside-down again, this time over the issue of human trafficking.  

Through a divine series of circumstances, I have been able to work alongside one of our covenant ministries in Cebu, Philippines, who are building one of the most effective rescue centers for children who have been the victim of this horrific industry, but have not been able to put my feet on Philippine soil.  I have wept for years wanting to return to the land of the Philippines, and other nations dear to my heart, but the timing was never open for us to travel internationally.  That season is now over, the Lord has released us, and it is time to “GO.”  

This Philippines are also on the horizon!  Within the next 18 months, we will be heading as a family to Cebu to pour into our church there, their outreach ministries, and the lives of the children that are being rescued.  I am believing that the hearts of my daughters, Kayla & Chloe, will be wrecked with kingdom purpose and the heart of God just as mine was at their age!  

As Jay & I step out in this new season, we are seeking parters that will join us on a covenantal level to see God’s Word come to pass in our lives.  First, we need prayer support and those that will walk with us in practical ways.  Secondly, we need financial partners to send us forth!  While we will continue our work at the Tabernacle, our ministry salaries there can only support our basic living needs and do not allow for this level of commitment to international travel.  Every dollar you give on a partnership level will go directly to ministry travel expenses and to the ministries that we will invest.  That fact is what I am most excited about!  You can sow seeds into our ministry, Chosen Path, and it goes directly to the mission field, not to us personally!  Wow!  That was my heart’s cry, and God is so faithful that’s exactly what He is enabling!

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us?  In addition to the thousands of ministry start-up costs for the many initiatives and trips, we need to raise $10,000 by this coming March (2020) to cover our Israel trip, another $15,000 by March of 2021 for our Philippine trip, and a minimum of another $5000 for an investment into the Rescue center in the Philippines.  While this sounds overwhelming to my natural mind, God is our source, and it is easy for Him!  65 partners at $30 a month would cover the expenses, and with a few additional gifts upfront to meet our initial deadlines, we together, can see it happen!

God’s Destiny in our lives is our Royal Kingdom Identity, but our purposes in life are linked to one another.  Let’s join together to see our purposes align through covenant partnership!


Much love,

Aimee, Jay, Kayla & Chloe


It’s the NOW season …

Would you consider partnering with us as we step out in faith and take our family into this new season?