Why "Chosen Path"?

Years ago, my husband Jay & I were on a ministry trip to the California where I was preaching and leading worship at a conference.  During some of of our free time, we took a drive up the coast heading down the beautiful scenic highway, driving through those quaint beach communities.  On the way back to LA, we stopped in Sunset Beach because a beautiful horse picture an artist had on display had caught my eye when we drove by earlier that day.  It was a picture of horses galloping through waves along a beach. There was something about that picture I couldn't let go of all day!  Of course, if you know me, you know I love horses, in fact we have 4 of them in our little stable in our backyard!

Here's our babies playing in the winter snow a few weeks ago!

Ok, I know you want to see more ... Here's our baby Bella with her Mama, Patches!

This was taken a month after she was born in 2012!

Here she is last fall!  So majestic & beautiful!

So, a love of horses is just in my blood!  It was the only sport I had any ability in growing up, and I threw myself into it!  I guess I just have always had very little desire to compete in sports (other than a few horse shows) and just developed a love for this incredible animal and all a relationship with a horse has to offer!  Riding was my love, but not for the sport of it, for the oneness you feel when you work together with a horse & soar over fields and obstacles!  It's truly amazing!

I guess this is the first reason why the painting I had seen on Sunset Beach was stuck in my head all day!  As we returned later in the day, I walked up to the painting and looked closer ... the title the artist gave it was "The Chosen Path".  Something just hit me at that moment.  It was if the Holy Spirit just "smacked" that phrase on my heart with His glue and it has been there ever since.  

Of course, we bought the painting that day almost 18 years ago, and it has been in my eyesight ever since ... no matter what room I have moved it to!

Ask my husband, I am always rearranging and redecorating!  lol  

Though it is a painting for decorative purposes, that phrase "The Chosen Path," has become the theme of my life and obviously, the name of our personal ministry.  I have made so many choices everyday that have shaped my life.  Choices like: 

  • forgiving someone who has betrayed me so the effects of bitterness never take root

  • pursuing the tangible Presence of God everyday so I never become disconnected with the reality of His Person

  • diving deep into the word of God so its revelation can continuously flow in me

  • staying put in my post when everything in me wanted to run, so God could use me and unfold His purposes in such a powerful way

  • choosing covenant even when it was broken so I could see God's redeeming love unfold

  • never budging on my faith to be able to have children, so I could see a miracle (two in fact ... so far!!!)

  • standing in His grace in the midst of criticism and intense opposition so I could see His promises come to pass

  • choosing homeschooling after a few years of public schools to see whole new side of me come out and an incredible relationship with my kids develop

The list could go on & on & on, cuz every right choice we make under the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit prepares the path of our lives.  Not that there haven't been SEVERAL bad choices in between, but through a humbled heart, God's grace is always stepping in to rectify the matter!  

"The Chosen Path" ... my crazy life ... but one I have chosen, through the calling of my Savior and my heart to see His glory everyday, in every way!  

What's your path of choice today?  It's never too late to start a new road!!!!