Have You Seen His Worth?

An excerpt from Chapter 4 of “For This … I Bow” by Aimee

Imagine with me being caught up in worship, your eyes suddenly open to a new dimension.  A door stands before you and a voice speaks, "Come up here, there's something you must see."  Compelled by curiosity, yet drawn further by this overwhelming presence that is beginning to surround, you walk further and further into a glorious light.  A symphony of sound breaks through, a song so complex, so beautiful, so harmonious, and magnificent.  Your inner being begins to compulsively sing along with this song, a song that comes not only from your lips, but from the deepest part of your spirit.  You go further and further in, as your eyesight becomes clear.  Around you are innumerable angels, living creatures, and millions of worshipers standing around a sea, so smooth and gleaming with light that it appears as glass.   

As if on cue, they all bow in unison, their song becoming muffled for a moment.  Across the bending backs of this myriad of worshipers, rays of manifold colors appear, a light so beautiful that you can't help but gaze deeply.  Suddenly, through the light appears a throne with the form of one seated upon it.  It is if you not only see the light, but you feel it permeating the very core of your being.  Tears fill your eyes and emotion overwhelms you, for you have just caught a glimpse of the Holy!

The worshipers lift their heads toward the throne.  A flash of brilliance crosses their gaze.  Their song swells in incredible tones and harmonious melodies grow in their intensity.  All they can do is fall on their faces once again, as this new glimpse of Majesty has deepened their cry ...

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

To receive power and riches and wisdom,

And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelation 5:11-12)

As they bow again, you see deeper into this majestic light, the feet of the one seated on the throne.  Just the clarity of this brief glimpse causes a new cry of worship to pour forth from your lips, one like you have never uttered.  If just His feet bring cause to such a song, what would come if you were to gaze into His very eyes?

"Holy, Holy, Holy ..."

Falling to the ground, you are changed forever, for you have just seen His worth!  Everything is different now.  How you think, what you feel, your priorities, your values, your motives, your decisions ... it is now all subject to His worth!

My question to you today is simply, “Have you seen His Worth?”