Destiny in Your Bones

In Ephesians 1:4 Paul, under the infallible inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us that God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. Woah! Before the earth was formed, as the Spirit was hovering over the face of the deep in Genesis 1, God had you in His heart! What?!? Yes, you have been part of His divine design even before life was ever created.

David echoes this truth in Psalm 139:15-16, declaring that God had His eyes fixed on us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb, even before we were conceived. David said concerning himself (and, due to the eternal prophetic nature of the Word, referring also to us):

Psalms 139:15-16, “My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed and in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.”

There is destiny in your bones. The God of the Universe, saw every detail of both who you are and what you were to do, before you were even formed! He chose you! I wish I was there right in front of you at this very moment to look directly into your eyes, shake ya if I have to, and get you to say it for yourself, "He chose me! He chose me! He chose me!" Yes, He did! And, He chose you for Kingdom greatness! That is better than any other success in the world, because it is directly tied to your original God-fashioned identity. When we live our life from a posture of divine-identity, we find true fulfillment. All other avenues will keep us off-kilter and headed to a place outside the sanctuary of what I like to call the Kingdom umbrella (we’ll explain this in an upcoming blog).

If you were to study this word "chosen" in the Ephesians passage, you would find that the Greek word behind this would mean to call out and select by means of a personal choice for a specified purpose. Culturally this word was used in the selection of a person to serve in a military capacity, and for those from among the soldiers that were needed to go out on a mission. In this context, it is a great honor to be chosen because the assignment carried heavy responsibility and required noticeable special skills. One would need to walk in a manner that is worthy of that election.

This how were are chosen by God. He has placed within us the seeds talent and special abilities needed for this unique assignment we call our destiny. We must not take this lightly, but be determined to "walk worthy of the calling with which you were called," Ephesians 4:1, an instruction Paul gives to the Ephesians that directly follows our primary passage for this book. For you see, a worship motivated life propels us to live in alignment with the object of our worship, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Alignment. Woah! Now there’s another topic for a future writing. Many times in our lives, we need a re-alignment … a spiritual chiropractic adjustment, if you will … to the purpose, the heart, and the Word of the Lord. And how do we get there? Our face planted facedown in the Presence of God, and our lives centered in the Word of God! Alignment here, breeds Destiny now!

There truly is Destiny in your bones. It’s a post, a kingdom assignment created just for you! Let’s align with the presence of God & His word, and let it have it’s full affect on our lives, in the deepest ways … down to our spiritual bone marrow … and destiny will be released in us!

Aimee Sych