Aligned with the Heart of God ... this is my plea!

Could there possibly be anything greater that God can do in us than to align our heart with His?  Alignment.  In the human body, the alignment of the spine is critical to our health.  Not only will the lack of alignment cause back pain, and other radiating pain to other areas of our body, but it also can cause issues with our digestive health, and difficulties in other functions of our body.  The spine, being directly attached to the brain, becomes the control center of our body.  When its protective covering is out of alignment or damaged, it effects everything we are and are able to do!  This is not at all different from the effect of the lack of alignment in our spiritual walk.  When we are out of alignment with His purposes, His will, and ultimately, His heart, it too effects everything we are and are able to do!  We have to allow God to make spiritual chiropractic adjustments in our life, conforming our will to His, snapping us back into His truth and covenantal promises, stretching us, aligning us into full, uninhibited connection with Himself.  This will allow supernatural blood, oxygen, and information to flow through us and set us on course to realizing our full potential in His Kingdom, becoming the extension of His heart in lives all around us.

Alignment causes us to come into oneness, unity with Christ in a way we have never fully known.  We begin to see the world differently, and have a heart for people that on our own we are not capable.  Our heart becomes not only compassionate, but we feel such a deep cry for people and for the purposes of God, that at times we cannot contain it for it is so very overwhelming.  I call this having a "plea."  A plea is not just a prayer request or desire, in fact, it's not even just a deep longing, a plea can best be described in the context of desperation, or reckless anguish!  

Think of Hannah's condition in 1 Samuel 1:10.  Question to ponder: was her deep cry of desperation caused just by her own desire to have a child?  Or could it have been a deeper place that this cry proceeded from?  I am persuaded that her cry came from something much deeper ... a cry birthed from the heavenly realms.  For you see, Samuel, the great prophet was about to be born.  He was coming to play a pivotal role in the Kingdom, not only to bring the prophetic word of the Lord in countless situations to the people of Israel, but he was to set David on the throne ... and it was from David's lineage that was eventually born the Christ child!  Hannah was not just crying from her own natural womanly desire to have a child, but was crying out from the spirit realm to birth this incredible Prophet.  Her desire was perfectly aligned with the heart of God, she interceded in the temple, and Samuel was born.  Wow!

God hears our plea!  He hears the cry of the heart that is so aligned with His that we are literally praying His prayers back to Him.  We are calling all of heaven to come onto the scene and breakforth with Kingdom promise!  The plea of a life that is experiencing a spiritual chiropractic adjustment ... one that is being snapped into place, that His mind, His emotions, His desires, and His will have become our plea.  Oneness.  He hears our plea!

Take a look inside yourself today.  What is your plea? What has gripped your heart so much that you appear destitute? What plea moves the ordinary out of your life? What plea moves all of heaven on your behalf?

I am not speaking of prayer requests, or even having compassion on someone or about a situation or condition ... a plea is much deeper, much much deeper.  It is an absolute gripping of your heart — one that drives you, motivates you, compels you, defines you ... a plea that wrecks your life!

My deepest hearts cry is to become so aligned with God’s heart, that His plea becomes my plea and together we partner to see heaven meet earth in every life I am privileged to touch!