Be Revealed

Do you have any life-scriptures that you cling to? There are just so many that I love and have such a deep impact on my life, my heart, my motives, my faith. One of those is found in John 4:21. I love how the Amplified Bible reads:

“The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]”

This Scripture is a covenantal scripture. When we walk in true covenant relationship, we also walk within relational boundaries. A marriage is not complete with covenantal blessings, if one party steps outside the moral, relational, or spiritual boundaries of that relationship. The same is true in our relationship with Christ. There are Covenant blessings, favor and power that flow freely when we walk within the Kingdom boundaries established in our relationship with Him.

This Scripture describes the parameters, "The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me..." This describes one who hears and follows the voice of our Beloved in daily life. This voice comes through His Word, through spiritual authority, through discipleship, and ultimately through His voice speaking directly to us by the power of the Spirit. Yet, it is not enough to hear and know His voice, we must obey and align our life with the power of His word to us! Every act of obedience opens up another realm of covenantal favor and blessings. This is our part of the covenant, a life devoted to Him.

It is to this beautiful covenant keeping partner that Christ promises ... "will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]"

I don’t know about you, but I think we received the better end of this covenant — the personal revelation of God to us! The Amplified Bible reveals to us what a study of the original Biblical greek New Testament words communicates, that the word “show” indicates to us that God will reveal and manifest Himself to us … to the point where we can clearly see Him and that He will make Himself real to us. WOW!

Oh, how He loves us! And oh, how I love Him and desire so deeply to lean into this reality every day of my life!

An incredible songwriter, worship leader & friend of mine, Tony Sutherland, wrote a song called “Reveal,” that demonstrates perfectly my heart’s cry that echoes this scripture. I fully intend to record this song very soon, but until then, the lyrics have to suffice … the chorus states:

Be revealed

We’re crying desperately

We open our hearts to You in worship

Be revealed

Consume us with Your love

We crave Your presence

Our hunger is real

Be revealed

Let this be our heart’s cry … “Be revealed” our precious Lord!